On June 10, 2010, Amber Mikula, QMM attorney, will be co-mediating a seminar for Will County Bar Association members in the area of family law. The seminar is to be four hours long and slated to begin at 4:00 pm. and end at 8:00 p.m. Any attorneys who attend will obtain credit towards their Continuing Legal Education credits, required by the State of Illinois.
Ms. Mikula is the co-chair of the family law committee of the Will County Bar Association. She has been practicing primarily in the area of family law for nearly ten years, having previously worked for the Law Office of Jeffrey Leving in Chicago, IL. Ms. Mikula also recently served as President of the WIll County Habitat for Humanity organization and remains very active in the community.
Ms. Mikula provides consultations to clients in the area of family law. Over her years of practice, she has earned the esteem of her peers - including both judges and attorneys. Should you have a question or need to discuss any family law issues, QMM offers a free 1/2 hour consultation.